Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Ok so what most of you dont know is that todd and I have been living in a hotel since the first week of july when we lost house #2, all of our stuff is still at his parents and some of it at mine but the essentials you know like clothes, toothbrushes, shampoo, that type of thing we do have and we have been eating sonic pretty much well thats pretty much all we have been eating because its free and we are trying to save every penny we have!!! as for the house search and how its going lets just say its going I dont wanna jinx anything!! Hopefully we will be out of this hotel really really soon!! Todd and I have been working at the sonic pretty much all the time he has only got one day off since he took over there in June, June 14th to be exact and I moved up here the first weekend of July and work with him everytime he closes and when he opens I show up when he starts to get busy and needs me which is about lunch hour. We only have one assistant manager right now and are looking to hire more I cant wait til we get settled with everything the house, the store, but that wont happen until we get another assistant manager in there and get him/her trained. Hopefully we will have someone in there soon and get them trained and everything done and ready to go the beginning of october...hopefully. We have been just keeping our spirits high and just knowing that God has our best interests in mind and will take of us no matter what. It's nice being in Kansas city though, a big city again, where I know if we need something I can always find it somewhere whether it be walmart, target, or sams club, and sometimes whole foods store you know for the essentials... well I will try to keep yall updated in the next couple weeks as to what is going on Hopefully something BIG please keep us in yalls prayers!!

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