Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day....

Hey guys, I hope everyone had a wonderful labor day weekend I know we did! It was soooo nice here, we got a little rain on saturday which watered my plants, made the grass green again and brought in this wonderful cold front behind it which made sunday and monday sooo wonderful I love having the windows open, the backdoor open so keiko can go in and out as she pleases and I have been since saturday when the cold front came in. Sunday after church it was so nice out that we decided to go out to todd's grandma's land and put up some deer stands for this hunting season. We took keiko with us and she LOVED it, to be able to run around, jump, play and get into whatever she wanted. I think the part she thought was the most fun(and definitely the funniest for us) was when she came in contact with the cows. She decided that she wanted them somewhere else so she started herding them and momma cow did not care for that at all, she started chasing keiko back, LOL!! I wish I had my camera it was hilarious.... the worst part had to be getting back home and realizing keiko and I somewhere along the line got into a tick nest. We threw her into a tick bath, washed all our clothes in hot water, checked todd and I over, and took baths. I think we got them all. Todd had to work on labor day but when he got home he cut the grass and me being the doofus I forgot to get us something nice to grill out for labor day(ex: a pork butt, steaks, etc.) so we grilled TODDS FAMOUS HAMBURGERS and had wonderful french fries in my new fryer (Thanks to my mother in law). I was getting the stuff (spices) together for his burgers and realized I hated how my kitchen was organized so 9oclock last night I rearranged my kitchen for the 3rd time!! LOL....todd was all like I think you've gone nuts but I now have soooo much more space in my pantry. I saw this ordeal on "The Talk" the other day do you guys watch "the Talk" I love it so much I record it lol but they were talking about chaz bono being on dancing with the stars this year and how this group 1 million moms want him/her taken off the show because it's bad for theyre kids to watch? what do you guys think? I think its crazy there is no way for your kids to know what he/she is unless theyre a teenager and then at that point they probably already know about people like that anyway so thats what I think tell me what you think...... well here's the part everyone's looking for PICTURES!!!

 Keiko SunBathing on the back deck on Labor Day...

Keiko after her TICK bath on Sunday ...... I agree keiko.....


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jesse,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! And welcome to KC. Do you live on the MO or KS side? We lived in Lees Summit for four years while my husband was in dental school and we loved it. KC is such a friendly city. Nice to "meet" you. :-)
